hernia doctor in Vikas Puri Delhi

Hernias are a medical issue that a lot of individuals experience. An organ or tissue that pushes through a weak area in the surrounding muscles or connective tissue results in a hernia. This may result in a visible lump.

This article discusses hernias’ and types with causes as per the hernia doctor in Vikas Puri. Continue reading to learn more about hernia.

What is a hernia?

A hernia occurs when an organ pushes through the muscle or tissue encasing it, commonly found in the groin or abdomen. The causes often involve a mix of muscle weakness and strain. While some individuals have congenital muscle weakness or underdeveloped tissue, most hernias develop as people grow older.

Types of hernia

There are 5 common types of hernia found in the human body. They are:

  1. Inguinal hernia (inner groin): An inguinal hernia happens when some tissue, pokes out through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles. This can make a lump that might hurt, especially when you cough, bend down, or lift something heavy. But not all hernias hurt.
  2. Incisional hernia (surgical cut or incision): An incisional hernia is a type of ventral hernia that occurs in the abdominal wall where there was a previous surgical cut. These hernias are often found more in the middle of the tummy than in other areas. They can be a clear hernia with all the usual parts like the hole, the sac, and whatever pokes out.
  3. Femoral hernia (outer groin): A femoral hernia is a protrusion in the top region of the thigh, near the groin. Whereas an inguinal hernia occurs when an organ, typically the colon, pushes through a weak spot or rupture in the thin, muscular abdominal wall.
  4. Umbilical hernia (belly button): An umbilical hernia happens at the belly button (umbilicus) when a segment of the intestine pushes through the umbilical ring, a tiny opening in the abdominal muscles of a fetus. This opening is where the umbilical cord, connecting the fetus to its mother in the womb, passes through.
  5. Hiatal hernia (upper stomach): A hiatal hernia happens when the upper section of the stomach pushes upward through the diaphragm and into the chest. As a result, this can lead to the stomach squeezing acid and other contents.

Symptoms of hernia

Frequently, a hernia is simply a painless bulge that doesn’t cause any issues and doesn’t require immediate medical attention.

However, a hernia can be the source of discomfort and pain, with symptoms typically intensifying during activities like standing, straining, or lifting heavy objects. Individuals who observe a gradual increase in swelling or discomfort often seek medical attention.

  • Pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Bulge

What causes hernia?

Every hernia results from a combination of pressure and a muscle opening or weakness. Pressure pushes an organ or tissue through a weak point or hole. While some individuals may have muscle weakness from birth, it more commonly develops later in life.

  • Congenital weakness: Certain individuals might possess an inherent weakness in their abdominal wall from birth, making them more prone to hernias.
  • Ageing: The aging process can result in a progressive weakening of muscles, heightening the risk of hernias, particularly in the abdominal region.
  • Heavy exercise: Engaging in activities that include lifting heavy objects, experiencing prolonged coughing, or straining during bowel movements can strain the muscles and contribute to developing hernias.
  • Surgeries: Surgical incisions performed in the past can generate vulnerable areas in the abdominal wall, increasing the likelihood of hernias, which are referred to as incisional hernias.
  • Obesity: Excess body weight can exert added pressure on the abdominal muscles, boosting the probability of developing hernias.

Diagnosis of hernia

The diagnosis of hernias applies to men, women, and children, as they are a prevalent condition. Various types of hernias exist, and they all involve the bulging of the inner lining of the abdomen through weakened areas or openings in the abdominal muscle or groin. This results in the formation of a sac capable of containing portions of the intestine or other tissues.

  • Abdomen CT scan: Your doctor might prescribe a CT scan to examine potential causes of abdominal pain and swelling, such as appendicitis—an inflammation of the appendix.
  • Abdomen MRI: Your doctor might suggest an MRI scan, especially if your pain intensifies during physical activity. This is because, in certain individuals, engaging in sports can lead to it without an initially apparent bulge. An MRI scan is capable of identifying a tear in the abdominal muscles.
  • Abdomen ultrasound: Your doctor might advise an ultrasound if you are a woman in the childbearing age group. This examination enables the doctors to examine for additional pelvic conditions like ovarian cysts or fibroids, which can be sources of abdominal pain.

In such instances, the swelling is usually solid and sensitive, and it cannot be pushed back into the abdomen.

Treatment of hernia

While the choice of surgery options varies based on individual circumstances, including its location, there are two primary types of surgery for hernia

  1. Open surgery: This procedure entails creating a sizable incision to reach the problem, relocating the protruding tissue, and employing stitches to seal the weakened area. In certain instances, a non-absorbable mesh might be utilized to strengthen the vulnerable spot.
  2. Laparoscopic surgery: This is a less invasive procedure where a laparoscope is inserted through small incisions to observe the internal organs. It typically requires fewer stitches, and the recovery period is generally quicker compared to open surgery.

Whom to consult

A general practitioner can identify and may direct you to a top general surgeon for a surgery assessment. UK nursing home have a team of general surgeon in Vikas Puri, Delhi who diagnose and treat hernias to help individuals get back to their normal lifestyle.

Though controllable, hernias can range in severity and affect individuals across all age groups. Identifying the indications, seeking guidance from experts, and undergoing relevant diagnostic assessments are pivotal measures in handling this prevalent medical issue.

Whether choosing surgery procedures or investigating alternative therapies, the objective is to mitigate discomfort, avert complications, and improve overall health. Reach out to the best surgeon in Vikas Puri Delhi and get the hernia treated.

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